F1: Longest Day
Agarwal, Amar |
F117: The IOL Scaffold Technique
Agarwal, Athiya |
F75: Iatrogenic Descemet Membrane Detachment During Phacoemulsification
Amado, Sebastian |
F176: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Keratoconus: Are We Facing a New Subspecialty?
Ambrósio, Renato |
F65: Tube Tribulations
Anand, Vijay |
F91: Spherophakia to Aphakia and Back
Aravind, Haripriya |
F135A: BB Gun Injury: Principles for Successful Anterior Segment Reconstruction
Arbisser, Lisa |
F106: Coreoplasty in Patient With Extensive Persistence of Pupillary Membrane
Arrieta-Camacho, Jesus |
F136: Crater and Split—Is Space Necessary to Remove Nuclear Pieces in the Bag?
Aslan, Bekir |
F177: Presbyopia Correction With Mix-and-Match Approach
Asís, Oscar |
F178: Ophthalmology Behind the Iron Curtain: Cataract Surgery in North Korea
Auffarth, Gerd |
F76: The Ks Puzzle
Badaro, Ronaldo |
F2: Intraocular Lens–Assisted PCR Management
Bardoloi, Narayan |
F92: Zen and the Art of Monovision Maintenance
Barrett, Graham |
F23: Multifocal IOL Exchange in Presence of Previous Nd:YAG Posterior Capsulotomy
Barsam, Allon |
F3: Abandoned Phaco! Convert to Stitchless Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery
Basak, Samar |
F66: Pearls in Management of Glaucoma in Microspherophakia
Basia, Arpita |
F107: Corneal Transplantation—Past, Present, and Future
Beltz, Jacqueline |
F24: Golden Ring: Golden Way to Manage Posterior Polar Cataract
Bhaumik, Arup |
F108: What DMEK Is Going on: New Device for Injection of Endothelial Keratoplasty Grafts
Bonfadini, Gustavo |
F25: Uniocular Aniridia Fibrosis Syndrome in Congenital Aniridia With Bilateral Iris Prostheses
Bostanci Ceran, Basak |
F150: Refractive Lenticule Extraction—Introduction and Management of Complications
Breyer, Detlev |
F179: To See or Not to See: That Is the Question
Cervantes-Coste, Guadalupe |
F8: Stability Regained
Chakrabarti, Arup |
F26: Swiss Knife I/A
Chassain, Christophe |
F9: Surprise During Opacified Intraocular Lens Explant
Cid, Monica |
F10: Posterior Capsule Opacification Prevention in Pediatric Cataract Surgery
Cizmarova-Izakova, Andrea |
F11: Capsulorhexis Rescue After Radial Extension
Coelho, Roberto |
F137: Phacoemulsification: Observing the Technique of Residents and Experienced Surgeons
Colla, Brigitte |
F27: New Device for Intraoperative Pupillary Dilation and Iris Stabilization
Colvard, Michael |
F28: Toric IOLs in Special Cases
Crema, Armando |
F174: Thermal Measurements of Ablation on the Cornea
de Ortueta, Diego |
F67: Simplified and More Effective Approach of Nonpenetrating Sclerectomy in Glaucoma Surgery
Deidier, Danielle |
F152: Managing LASIK Flap Complications
Doctor, Kumar |
F30: Xenon Light Probe–Assisted Phacoemulsification in Case With Corneal Clouding
Doganay, Selim |
F12: Phacotips
Domingues, Manuel |
F153: Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Dorairaj, Syril |
F118: Chop Plus +: Novel Technique Showing How to Hold Once and Chop Twice to Minimize Energy Use In Phacoemulsification
Dutta, Debashis |
F31: New Monofocal Achromatic Presbyopic Pseudophakic IOL: First Achromatic Lens in Implant History
El Aswad, Amr |
F77: Stripping Descemet Membrane in Penetrating Keratoplasty for Rejected Corneal Grafts With Inseparable Iridocorneal Adhesions
ElKateb, Ahmed |
F119: Post-Traumatic Aphakia and Pupillary Distortion Managed by Open-Sky Posterior Verisyse Implantation and PKP
Elwan, Sheriff |
F97: Corneal Incision Closure With Nitinol Shape-Memory Suture
Erlanger, Michael |
F32: Techniques to Divide the Nuclei
Escaf, Luis |
F13: Hit the Target
Fasce, Francesco |
F68: Goldilocks and the Three 'Baers'
Fechter, Herbert |
F33: MaxPro Phaco: Underestimated Technique
Figueiredo, Carlos |
F14: Lens Particle–Induced Glaucoma and Big Surprise for Surgeon
Firat, Penpe |
F109: Eye Center Zone—Improving the Quality of Patient Experience
Foster, Gary |
F15: Oops! What Do I Do Now?
Fry, Luther |
F34: Automated Plasma Ablation Capsulotomy for Modern Precision Over Classic Capsulorhexis
Fugo, Richard |
F35: Retro Lenticular Illumination
Fukasaku, Hideharu |
F16: Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery in Cases of Hard Posterior Polar Cataract
Ghosh, Manas |
F37: Brunescent Cataract Conquered
Ghosh, Siddhartha |
F78: Dry Eye: Two Easy New Tools to Help You Decide on the Right Treatment
Gontijo, Leonardo |
F38: By Endurance We Conquer the Capsular Bag
González del Valle, Fernando |
F17: Multifocal IOL Implantation in Posterior Polar Cataract With Posterior Capsule Dehiscence Extending Diagonally to Equator
Gujjala, Virupaksha |
F40: Biaxial Microphaco With Only 2 Incisions
Hamza, Ismail |
F41: Chop the Right Way, Episode 2
Hashem, Khaled |
F120: Get It Round: Challenging Cataract Cases Made Easy Using Femtosecond Laser Technology
Holzer, Mike |
F42: Five Steps to More Consistent Results With Cataract Surgery
Hovanesian, John |
F121: Selective Ab Interno Trabeculotomy in Treatment of Various Glaucomas
Ivanov, Dmitry |
F180: Corneal Resection for Large Marginal Keratectasia and Consequent Cataract Surgery
Izak, Milan |
F98: Glued Endocapsular Hemi-Ring Segments for Sutureless Transscleral Fixation of Capsular Bag
Jacob, Soosan |
F110: Reverse Optic Capture of Single-Piece Acrylic Posterior Chamber IOL in Setting of Posterior Capsule Rupture
Jones, Jason |
F43: Dislocated IOL and Capsular Bag Exchange With Iris-Claw Aphakia IOL Positioned Behind the Iris
Kanellopoulos, A. John |
F81: Fluidics: Phaco Enemy No.1
Keszei, Vincent |
F122: Modified Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty for Treatment of Advanced-Stage Keratoconus With Steep Curvature
Khakshoor, Hamid |
F123: Sutureless Keratolimbal Allograft for Total Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency
Kheirkhah, Ahmad |
F181: Novel Technique to Treat Necrotic Scleral Calcific Plaque
Kim, Bong-Hyun |
F138: Medical Genetics and Corneal Dystrophies
Kim, Jae-hyung |
F139: Let There Be Wavefront II
Kim, Myoung Joon |
F99: Smart Tip
Kishimoto, Makoto |
F156: Athens Protocol in Management of Severe Corneal Blindness From Scar
Kontari, Ioanna |
F124: Tutoplast Graft for Congenital Glaucoma
Koo, Ellen |
F44: Our First Experience With Preloaded IOL
Kotb, Ahmed |
F45: Changes in Capsulorhexis Size During Cataract Surgery
Kranemann, Christoph |
F82: Triple Procedure in Patients With Zonulysis or Aphakic Patients: Simple Way for Visual Rehabilitation
Kretz, Florian |
F83: Pseudoexfoliation, Capsule Contraction, and IOL Exchange
Kummelil, Mathew |
F111: Femtosecond Laser–Assisted Keratoplasty: Step by Step
Lee, Olivia |
F47: Transzonular Intravitreal Injection of Triamcinolone and Moxifloxicin After IOL Insertion in Lieu of Preop/Postop Eyedrops
Liegner, Jeffrey |
F183: Donor Cornea Preparation in Partial Big-Bubble Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Lim, Li |
F48: Capsulorhexis Revisited
Limberger, Il-Joo |
F49: In-the-Bag IOL Placement With Radiofrequency Diathermy Capsulotomy: Superior Approach in Pediatric Aphakic Eye
Liu, Yizhi |
F157: Monovision LASIK or Small-Aperture Corneal Inlay for Treatment of Presbyopia
Low, Aloysius |
F184: Artificial Intelligence: Back to the Future—Optimizing Refractive Surgery Screening
Lyra, João Marcelo |
F51: Lens Surgery Techniques in Marfan Syndrome: Revisited
Malyugin, Boris |
F140: Differential Diagnosis of Descemet Tears and Surgical Outcome of Infantile Glaucoma With Acute Corneal Hydrops
Mandal, Anil |
F52: Release of Stuck Haptic in Injector by Splitting the Cartridge
Mandelblum, Jorge |
F19: Management of Late in-the-Bag IOL Dislocation
Masket, Samuel |
F20: New Concept to Prevent Anterior Capsulorhexis Contraction
Matsushima, Hiroyuki |
F125: New Concept for Intracameral Moxifloxacin: The Flush Method
Matsuura, Kazuki |
F141: Removal of Metallic Foreign Body From Angle
McCourt, Emily |
F53: Surgical Technique for Posterior Pole Cataracts
Melo, María |
F54: Panoramic View of Various Surgical Techniques in Managing Mature and Hypermature Cataracts
Mohan, Puttaiah |
F142: How to Choose Your Refractive Surgery Patient
Mohan, Sujatha |
F159: Tectonic Patch Grafts Made Simple
Mohanta, Ayan |
F85: Refractive Phacovitrectomy
Morales, Inmaculada |
F160: Athens Protocol for Progressive Keratoconus
Moutsouris, Kyros |
F55: Surgical Procedure of Combined Subluxated Lens Extraction and IOL Scleral Suture Fixation in Prevention Strategy for Complications in Children and Adults
Nagahara, Miyuki |
F185: Seventeen Cases in Which IOL Fell Into Vitreous Cavity and Was Extracted
Nakai, Yoshihide |
F127: The Hurricane I/A Technique
Nakano, Celso |
F112: Glued Intraocular Lens: The Way Ahead
Narang, Priya |
F128: Reverse-Pass Limbal Incision Suture Technique Using Adjustable 1-1-1 Knot
Narvaez, Julio |
F129: Contra-Chop Technique
Nosé, Walton |
F56: Simplified and Safer Sutureless Intrascleral Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens Fixation
Ohta, Toshihiko |
F57: New Device for Management of Posteriorly Dislocated Lens
Olson, Jeffrey |
F186: In Search of New Solutions
Osher, Robert |
F161: Ease of Management of Complications of Femtosecond Laser in LASIK Surgeries
Osman, Ihab |
F101: Chopping Techniques and Settings With 22-Gauge Kelman Phaco Needle
Packard, Richard |
F58: Intralenticular Metallic Foreign Body
Palacio, Claudia |
F162: Topography-Guided Hyperopic LASIK
Pamel, Gregory |
F85A: Piggyback Implantation of Toric and Multifocal IOL: Exploring Uncharted Territory
Pandey, Suresh |
F115: Conjunctival Sparing Technique for Pterygium Surgery
Patel, Amar |
F130: Retropupillary Fixation of Iris-Claw IOL
Patel, Jenin |
F143: Tips and Tricks for Managing Cataract Surgery in Patients With ICE Syndrome
Perez, Mauricio |
F130A: Flaporhexis
Pfaeffl, Wolfgang |
F69: Tube Repositioning Into Anterior Chamber for Tube-Related Complications of Aqueous Drainage Devices
Puthuran, George |
F86: Biaxial Irrigation/Aspiration Without Use of Aspirating Machine: Demonstrating the Followability of Biaxial Systems
Pérez-Arteaga, Arturo |
F59: Mission Impossible: IOL Implantation and Weak Capsule Support
Rajan, Mohan |
F163: Out With the Old, in With the New: Femtosecond Laser–Assisted Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty for Advanced Ectasia Secondary to Hexagonal Keratotomy
Ramirez-Miranda, Arturo |
F164: Corneal Biomechanics: What All Refractive Surgeons Should Be Aware Of?
Ramos, Isaac |
F87: Femtosecond Trip
Santhiago, Marcony |
F131: Visco-Perfluorocarbon Sandwich Technique in Conventional Phacoemulsification of Luxated Hard Crystalline Lens
Sato, Masaki |
F71: Canaloplasty Bleb-less Glaucoma Surgery: Technique, Modifications, and Complications
Schoenberg, Evan |
F167: Evolution of Technique of Femtosecond Lenticule Extraction for Correction of Refractive Errors
Shah, Rupal |
F21: Edge of Darkness—Endophthalmitis
Shankar, Ravi |
F115A: Phacoemulsification in Patients with Kyphosis and Other Postural Disorders:How to Acheive a Balance Between Positioning and Surgery
Sharma, Vidushi |
F144: Maximizing Outcomes and Minimizing Complications in Phacoemulsification in Posterior Polar Cataracts
Shetty, Rashmi |
F61: Management of Small Pupil During Phaco by Capsule Retractors
Shroff, AshokKumar |
F88: Automated Lacrimal Lavage
Smiles, John |
F89: Fixing an Iris 'Oops' With Custom Iris Prosthesis
Snyder, Michael |
F72: New Technique for Trabeculotomy Ab Interno for Open-Angle Glaucoma
Sonn, Houmei |
F145: Unusual Case of Clear Lens Extraction
Spinelli, Alessandra |
F146: Crack and Rock—Posterior Polar Cataract Management in Phacoemulsification
Srinivasan, Lakshmipathy |
F116: Lights, Camera, Action
Srivastava, Samaresh |
F102: Different Settings, Different Expectations, Different Alternatives: Choosing the Preferred Phakic IOL
Srur, Miguel |
F188: Intraocular Toric Lens in Patients With Previous Refractive Surgery
Stangogiannis-Druya, Crisanti |
F62: Microcoaxial Surgery in Hard Rock Cataract—Horror Case
Stangogiannis-Druya, Evangelia |
F132: Pop and Prechop: Novel Safe Supracapsular Phacoemulsification Technique
Starr, Christopher |
F104: Semicircular Capsulotomy Marker
Suzuki, Hisaharu |
F63: Toric IOL in Refractive and Cataract Challenging Cases
Sánchez León, Francisco |
F168: Mind the Gap! Rescuing Posterior Dislocation of Donor in Descemet-Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty
Tan, Donald TH |
F133: Preventing Argentinean Flag Sign: The Phaco Capsulotomy
Teng, Christopher |
F169: Scuba DMEK Donor Preparation: Improving Efficiency and Managing Difficult Situations
Tenkman, Lawrence |
F64: Handshake Technique for Glued IOL
Thandavan, Thema |
F170: Infinite Possibility: Using Small Aperture Corneal Inlay to Treat Variety of Presbyopic Patients
Tomita, Minoru |
F90: Meibomian Gland Expression After Intense Pulsed-Light Treatment for Evaporative Dry-Eye Syndrome
Toyos, Rolando |
F171: Epithelial Ingrowth: Worst Nightmare, Nice Solutions
Valenzuela, Felipe |
F172: Simple Method to Implant Foldable Artificial Cornea Using Femtosecond Laser
Vargas, Jose |
F147: Many Faces of the Anterior Vitreous, Season 2
Vasavada, Abhay |
F74: Bleb Leaks and Cataracts—Patches and Stretches
Venkatesh, Rengaraj |
F173: Cataract Surgery Behind a Semi-Opaque Corneal Implant
Waltz, Kevin |
F135: Novel Anterior Approach for Dropped Nucleus Retrieval During Routine Cataract Surgery
Weinstock, Robert |
F149: Fibro Follies
Yeoh, Ronald |
F189: Phaco Technology: 12 Years of Passion
Zacharias, Jaime |